Novodoser Liquid Nitrogen Dosing. A new generation liquid nitrogen doser with frost-free operation, food grade austenitic stainless steel material, hygienic wash-down design in compliance to stringent HACCP requirement
LN2 is supplied to the doser by a vacuum insulated pipe and flows into the dosing head. Sensor will detect the container and send pulses to the controller. Controller will command the dosing head to dispense the required amount of LN2 into the container. LN2 droplets quickly evaporate and expand 700 X into gaseous N2 equivalent, filling the container headspace with inert N2 gas at the desired pressure.
A new generation liquid nitrogen doser with frost-free operation, food grade austenitic stainless steel material, hygienic wash-down design in compliance to stringent HACCP requirement
• Frost-free Nozzle – Self-generating GN2 for dosing head blanketing
• Lowest LN2 Consumption – Discrete dosing, for speed up to 500 containers per minute
• Lowest LN2 Losses – Proprietary vacuum insulation with lowest heat leak 0.1 LPH
• Minimized Product Splash – Lowest dose pressure in its class, 0.3 psi
• Sub-cooled LN2 – Ensuring constant LN2 density for accurate dosing
• Corrosion Resistant – 316L material grade of construction for doser body
• Highest Hygiene Design – All external surface has rounded corners and sloped design for easy wash-down
• Lowest Maintenance – Ultra long life cycle dosing valve > 60 million; and IP 65 rated sensors & electrical cables
• Ease of Installation – Compact size for easy installation in limited space
• Applications Flexibility – Compatible with soft-dose and micro-dose technology for hot fill, powder, and granular applications
• 5 Years Vacuum Warranty –Lowest cost of ownership